Thursday, March 29, 2007

Protest Etiquette

Students from Columbia University were punished for disrupting speakers from the Minuteman Project. Eight students stormed the stage and attacks erupted, preventing the speakers from continuing their presentations.
These students were punished for their attack on free speech and received warning and censures that will stay on their transcripts until graduation.
But the spokesperson for the Minuteman Project, Tim Bueler, said to the New York Times that the disciplinary actions were "a travesty to justice." The Minutemen Project members felt that the punishments were not serious enough considering the protesters violated the presenters' free speech.
The Minutemen Project members strongly oppose illegal immigration, and they are not the first college student group to be silenced on this issue.
Michigan State University's Young Americans for Freedom group sponsored Congressman Tom Tancredo to speak about why he opposes illegal immigration. But, like at Columbia, protesters disrupted the event and inhibited the speaker from continuing.
At least in both cases the protesters have been condemned or punished for their actions.
But a word of advice for protesters, while you have the same right to freedom of speech as those you disagree with, please remember protest etiquette next time.
Instead of storming the stage in liberal rage, try some good old fashioned picket signs. Stand outside the room the speaker is in and talk to people as they enter the room. While the presentation is going on, actually allow it to continue! This civilized approach will be much more effective and even keep censures off your transcripts. Protesters in general need to learn that violence, flag burning, swearing, and other offensive behavior does not win you any points with the other side. Try a new approach and you actually protect free speech and gain respect for your position.

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