Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hating the Freedom Lovers!?

MSU's Young Americans for Freedom student group (YAF) was classified as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPL) list of hate groups in America.
Thats right, the campus group that supports secure borders, anti-affirmitive action legislation, pro-life work, and actually voicing the conservative cause is now ranked up there with KKK and Nazi groups.
Yes, because supporting LEGAL immigration and non-discrimination practices in college applications is the same as lynching blacks and killing Jews.
Yes, YAF is a more conservative and activist group, but even liberally minded MSU officials said in the State News that YAF has done nothing to deter from MSU's anti-discrimination politicies.
Whatever happened to freedom of speech? This year alone, YAF events have been interrupted and attacked by left-wingers who can't even have the decency to hold a civilized debate with YAF memebers. Instead they pulld the fire alarm, kicked YAF members,and vandalized vehicles when the group brought Congressman Tom Tancredo to speak about immigration policies. Who are the haters there? Certainly not the people who did the attacking and disrupting a public speech made by a U.S. Congressman. But according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, it was YAF who displayed the hatred for illegal immigration.
YAF is already despised by the liberals on campus, but does this make them a hate group?
YAF and other conservative leaders on campus have done a sophisticated and classy job of responding to recent attacks and criticisms.
YAF president Kyle Bristow keeps his opinions and beliefs even when they get him recalled from ASMSU. During a Proposal 2 debate with a Democratic candidate for the Michigan House, Bristow was collective and respectufl of the other side, all while battleing booing and degrading shouts from the crowd.
If YAF is to be compared to the Nazis then I say "Heil Bristow!"
Even if you don't agree with YAFs stances or events, at least be smart enough to remember that freedom of speech is still a part of the Constitution, even when you don't like what is being said.

1 comment:

Kyle J. Bristow said...

Loved the post. Thanks for your support.
